Children's Faith Development
The Children’s Faith Development Program strives to inspire and nurture our children’s spiritual and personal growth while teaching and modeling our shared Unitarian Universalist values.
Sunday Classes
Our Sunday morning faith development classes focus on UU principles and sources through stories, discussions, arts & crafts, music, and more.
Nursery Care
Our nursery provides childcare each Sunday for infants through 5 years old. There will be 2 childcare providers in the nursery each week. Our childcare providers are “on the clock” until 11:30 am, so feel free to enjoy coffee hour before picking up your child.
Youth Group
This group for high-school students, grades 9-12, meets twice a month for faith development, to work on social justice projects, plan activities, and for fun and socializing.
Parental Involvement
Children's RE is a volunteer-led program and parental involvment is crucial to our success. We require that parents volunteer to take on different tasks throughout the year.