Hope Grows Here
2024-25 Stewardship Campaign
For the budget year from July 2024 through June 2025​
From the Minister
In our fifth year together, we have been leaning into joy. Your generosity and hard work have kept our congregation vibrant. Your open-hearted participation in the many aspects of our community life, has infused us with new energy and hope.
As we plan towards our shared future, we will be focusing on respectful communication. Bring your dreams with a listening ear for the hopes of others.
May our generosity nourish our vision of creating justice in the greater community and fostering happiness within.
— Rev. Patty Willis
From the President
In the warm after-glow of our January 21 congregational meeting, I invite you to join me as we begin our annual stewardship effort. Our Stewardship campaign motto aptly encapsulates the atmosphere of our Congregational meeting: "Hope Grows Here." Read More