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Rev. Roger Fritts

Rev. Thomas Roger Fritts (“please call me Roger”) was born in Mesa, Arizona in 1951 and grew up attending the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix in Paradise Valley. His mother, father and his two sisters and his brother loved their summers in Prescott where they had a second home. He loves Prescott’s climate and, best of all, has a daughter who lives here.


Following his graduation from Arizona State University in 1973 he entered Starr King School for Ministry in Berkeley, California. From there he served the UU Church of Lexington, Kentucky before moving to First Unitarian Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts where he met and married his wife, Rev. Dr. Leslie Westbrook who had been ordained as a UU minister five years before Roger’s ordination. They have three children. 


During his 46 years in ministry he has also served UU churches in Evanston, IL, Bethesda, MD, Media, PA and is Minister Emeritus at the UU Church of Sarasota, FL.


Following a year of retirement, his wife Leslie encouraged Roger to go back to work because he thrives on the stimulation of ministry.  It was good timing for Granite Peak when he learned that he might be able to return to his beloved Prescott where he had made so many golden memories as a child while escaping the summer heat of Phoenix with his family. 


Leslie will stay in their Maryland home where she is a practicing therapist and visit Prescott about once a month.

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